martedì 5 luglio 2011

My Delusion to RickY Martin thanks to Veikko Fuhrmann (Verona 5th July 2011)

Hi to everybody!!
I have signed up my profile just to communicate to everybody my delusion to Ricky Martin concert at Verona 5th July 2011.
I am young just 21 years old, thanks to the holding company of my father and my strength I have already reached top working position (our Company is based in Italy with branches in more than 40 countries in partnership with President of States and most influent people in the world)
I think to was a real fan of Ricky Martin.. I have been loving him with the bottom of my heart since I was a child..
I was looking forward to attending the Ricky Martin’s performance at Verona Arena on 5th July 2011.. so I bought the ticket for me and my sister in one of the best place available and 1 pass to get into the backstage trough internet.
Unfortunately my pass was false!!  when I get into the backstage I have found Mr. Veikko Fuhrmann the tour manager of Rick Martin. I was treated like I was a criminal, a terrorist!!! He collected to me everything without any permission of the Public Authority… Fortunately the Police arrived and gave me back what Mr. Veikko Fuhrmann collected to me!! I continued attending the Rick Martin performance but I was not able to enjoy myself!!
This has been terrible for me.. I know that Ricky Martin has not been involved on this.. but how can he works with this people??
I always respect my client.. and a fan is a client of the singer!!! Without us the singer will not exist.
I do really hope that everybody read this message and take the proper consequences to Veikko Fuhrmann
Kind regards

1 commento:

  1. Hi, I came accross your blog recently and have decided to write to you. I hope that you have recovered by now from your bad experience. I'm sorry that this happened to you, but if this helps, my experience with Ricky Martin, Veikko Fuhrmann and other fans has been more bad than yours. It is not for the first time that I read how bad fans have been treated during concert or backstage by Veikko Fuhrmann and some other staff members from the fan club. How can Ricky work with such kind of people? It was the question that crossed my mind untill I had personally met him, and to my disappointment, I had to experience that Ricky is not better than Veikko Fuhrmann. He can be rude to the people too.
